Welcome to the Maggie’s Garden & Stems Family!

We are Chery and Ron Milhomme, and our passion is to grow vibrant and healthy flowers that will brighten homes and businesses in our Skagit Valley community. We love creating and sharing our special bouquets, as well as inspiring others to create their own.

We started our garden in the spring of 2020 more or less as a hobby, with hopes of selling a bouquet or two.

Thanks to our wonderful community, that little hobby has blossomed into more than we could have ever imagined.

Maggie’s Garden was named after our beloved black Lab Maggie, who we lost in the late spring of 2019 ; while living her best life until the old age of fifteen.

Like any Labrador Retriever, Maggie loved to romp and play in our local fields and forests. We hope that her playful spirit grows on in our garden.


Dream it.

“That dream was planted in your heart for a reason” - Author Unknown.

When we bought our land in 2018 and later built our home, I knew I wanted to do something special that would serve others in our little country pocket on the east end of Mt. Vernon, Washington.

With a love for both gardening and event planning, I struggled with how I could feed my creativity and fuel my imagination. Kicking my ideas around with our family and friends, the evolution of our garden space quickly took shape. I spent countless hours researching and developing conscientious practices, while gleaning resources and education from the some of best influencers around the nation and most importantly in our own region. A plan was drafted and then I went for it - growing from a handful of seeds to an abundant harvest of stems.

Working in the medical field for over 30 years, I’ve found my time in the garden to be my best outlet of self-care and preservation. With so much love and support from my amazing husband, children, and community that small garden space has turned into bigger dreams.

May our blooms and the spirit in which they grow, bless you and sustain you.

~ Chery


Build it.

My vision was to build a garden that is not only functional, but also ascetically pleasing. A garden that is easy to work with, and peaceful to be in. My hope was for the garden to be a warm and welcoming place for us as well as our visiting guests. A place to get lost in the sights, sounds, and smells.

I always had an interest in woodworking, but never fancied myself to be a carpenter or builder of any sort, let alone a flower farmer. But when I started laying out the design for Maggie’s garden, something within me sparked. Even though I stumbled and bumbled along the way, the more I worked…the stronger the purpose became.

I hope that my vision serves you well, and brings a little joy into your world.

- Ron

Grown with care

We prioritize to grow with no-till restorative methods, using pollinator friendly practices. Growing local not only reduces the carbon footprint in our environment, it enhances and services the sustainability of our community. 
Bloom availability and variety is dictated by mother nature and her seasonal cycles, contact us to see what’s popping around the corner.